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How CROs Are Leveraging Innovation To Accelerate Clinical Trials

Clinical Research Organizations (CROs) are the core of clinical trials. They are the contact point between sponsors and other trial stakeholders, such as vendors. So, their job is to help plan, coordinate, carry out, and oversee all the steps of a clinical trial. This means that CROs are the spearheaders of advancements in clinical trials. They source for ways to efficiently and effectively speed up the drug development process. This is why CROs like Veristat, whose research teams are available via, are bringing in new innovative ways to bridge the gaps in clinical trials and revolutionize the entire culture of drug development.

But how exactly are they doing this? Let’s answer that in this post.

Use of technology

Technology is advancing the way we do the basic chores in our lives, like remote working. These advancements are also present in clinical trials. CROs like Veristat are incorporating digital solutions to streamline repetitive and manual processes in clinical trials. This reduces the time and resources required to complete such processes. For example, the data collection process can be time-consuming and prone to errors. By incorporating electronic data capture (EDC) systems; this process can be automated, making it more efficient and accurate. This makes it possible for patients in remote areas to easily take part in the clinical trial. Through remote monitoring, patients can record real-time data and share it with the trial staff for easy analysis. This reduces the need, time, and resources used to travel to the trial site.

Predictive analytics

Imagine manually sifting through thousands of records while trying to find patterns. This would take days, if not months, and the results would be less credible. Using predictive analytics, on the other hand, makes it easier to look at a lot of data and find patterns and trends. This makes it easier, for CROs to predict the outcomes of the trials and figure out ways to improve and speed up the process. This is important to remember: predictive analytics and risk-based monitoring help identify potential risks and come up with ways to mitigate them and ensure patients’ safety.


Innovation wouldn’t help clinical trials if the trial staff didn’t know about the changes. Innovation can help ensure all parties are up-to-date on the latest advancements and practices. By putting money into the development and training of trial staff, CROs can make sure that everyone has the skills and knowledge they need to complete tasks and processes quickly and well.

Collaborative innovation

Finally, for clinical trials to be successful, there’s a need for collaboration and communication. Collaborative innovation helps bring all parties together; they can share ideas, knowledge, skills, and experiences. This helps bring to light the trial’s goals and needs. Then, CROs can design and run trials that meet the requirements of the government, lower risks, and improve the chances of success.

Using EDC and remote monitoring are examples of innovations that help speed up the clinical trial process. It also helps reduce common human errors and deliver credible results. Therefore, whether it is through technology, predictive analytics, training, or collaborative innovation, CROs are helping to bring life-saving treatments to market faster, positively impacting the lives of millions of people.

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